News | Posted May 8, 2018
Archaeological Research in Progress 2018
Archaeological Research in Progress 2018 is taking place on Saturday 26 May at the Engine Shed in Stirling. This annual national conference gives you the opportunity to hear about the most recent archaeological projects across Scotland, this year particularly focusing on research in Stirlingshire, Perthshire, Kinross, Fife, and Argyll. To get you in the mood, we have rounded up some …
Archaeological Research in Progress 2018
Archaeological Research in Progress 2018 is taking place on Saturday 26 May at the Engine Shed in Stirling. This annual national conference gives you the opportunity to hear about the most recent archaeological projects across Scotland, this year particularly focusing on research in Stirlingshire, Perthshire, Kinross, Fife, and Argyll. To get you in the mood, we have rounded up some …