News  |  Posted February 6, 2018

Native and Roman on the Northern Frontier – available to pre-order

  The Society is pleased to announce that our next book, Native and Roman on the Northern Frontier, will publish in March 2018. This new publication, by Roger Mercer FSA Scot, presents the definitive report of a programme of excavation and survey at two sites south of Eskdalemuir, Dumfriesshire, which have wide-ranging implications for the study of the Iron Age …


Native and Roman on the Northern Frontier – available to pre-order

  The Society is pleased to announce that our next book, Native and Roman on the Northern Frontier, will publish in March 2018. This new publication, by Roger Mercer FSA Scot, presents the definitive report of a programme of excavation and survey at two sites south of Eskdalemuir, Dumfriesshire, which have wide-ranging implications for the study of the Iron Age …

News  |  Posted April 5, 2016

Society Grants support research into Scotland’s past

The Society Council Trustees have awarded £11,667 to ten projects examining a wide range of topics from geophysical survey at Duntocher Roman fort to an environmental history of the Anglo-Scottish Union of 1707. This year there were twenty six applications for funding totalling £46,484, representing an increase of 57% in number of applications and £21,415 more than last year, and some …

News  |  Posted February 18, 2016

Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland: Fellows invited to to contribute

The Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland: A Research Framework project is currently in the final stages of work and represents a strategic effort to link, inspire, mobilize and help direct the efforts of all those with an interest in or responsibility for carved stones in Scotland. Over the course of four workshops, the team have taken stock of existing and ongoing research and identified …