Who Are Our Fellows? Emily Johnston

Emily Johnston

Emily Johnston is a current PhD student at The University of Edinburgh, whose research examines community engagement in development-funded archaeology in Scotland.

“I am passionate about all strands of public archaeology, and enjoy sharing the diverse scope of Scotland’s archaeology with different audiences. I joined the Society at the start of my PhD, as a way to meet Fellows and learn more about current work being undertaken in Scotland through their conferences and lecture series.”

“The Society have been very supportive of my research, and I’ve enjoyed collaborating with them throughout my studies, such as presenting at the Archaeological Research in Progress conference. It’s an exciting time to be a Fellow whilst new ScARF frameworks are being developed and the creation of the new Heritage Hub, and there are opportunities to be involved in this which has been both enjoyable and informative. I’ve especially enjoyed collaborating with the Dig It! team on different outreach projects and enjoy keeping up to date with their important work!”