News | Posted February 18, 2016
Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland: Fellows invited to to contribute
The Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland: A Research Framework project is currently in the final stages of work and represents a strategic effort to link, inspire, mobilize and help direct the efforts of all those with an interest in or responsibility for carved stones in Scotland.
Over the course of four workshops, the team have taken stock of existing and ongoing research and identified priorities for future research. Their aim is to stimulate research into all aspects of carved stones in Scotland in order to promote an increased awareness of the interest, significance and value of this important aspect of Scottish heritage. It is hoped that this in turn will help improve handling of their care, for wider public benefit.
The project is now looking for comment on the multi-authored first draft, informed by the outcomes of Workshops 1-4 (for reports of the meetings see the links on the project webpage). In particular, they are seeking corrections of fact and identification of any important gaps, but it will also be very helpful to know if there are particular areas of text that are not clear.
Case studies will be cross-referred to in the text shortly. If you would like to offer an additional illustrated case study, please contact Sally Foster with details of what you propose and why. Text (Word doc) and illustration (jpeg or tiff file), with details of image and copyright holder (e.g. CANMORE ref and HES), are required by 29 February 2016.
The text will be finalised in March and it will be published online as part of ScARF in the summer of 2016.
To find out more and to comment, please visit