News | Posted July 1, 2021
Reminder – Annual Subscription due 1st July
Dear All,
Annual Fellowship subscriptions are due on the 1st of July 2021. If you have not yet paid your subscription, please do so at your earliest convenience.
We understand that due to the Coronavirus pandemic some Fellows may be experiencing financial difficulties. Therefore, Society Trustees have agreed that any Fellow in financial hardship due to COVID-19 can receive a 25% discount on their subscription for the current subscription year (1st of July 2021 to 30th of June 2022).
The Fellowship types and subscription rates are:
Ordinary Fellow – £76 (£57 with 25% discount) or $112 ($84 with discount)
Family Fellow – £38 (£28.50 with 25% discount) or $56 ($42 with discount)
Over 65 Fellow – £57 (£42.75 with 25% discount) or $84 ($63 with discount)
Under 26 or Student Fellow – £21 (£15.75 with 25% discount) or $32 ($24 with discount)
Early Career Fellow – £38 (£28.50 with 25% discount) or $56 ($42 with discount)
Please pay your subscription online through the website where possible, as cheques are particularly problematic at this time and will take longer to process. You can use the discount coupon “COVID19” at checkout to apply the 25% reduction.
If you have any questions about your subscription, please contact
If you can pay your full subscription, or indeed donate more to help cover the costs of others’ annual membership, we would be very grateful. We value your Fellowship of the Society and subscriptions form our core income, enabling our charitable purposes to actively support the study and enjoyment of Scotland’s past.
If you pay by other means and would like to take advantage of the 25% subscription discount, please email the office at as soon as possible.
Direct Debits will be collected as usual on 1st of July or soon thereafter. We are very happy to issue refunds after the collection date if necessary. Likewise with Fellows who have been unable to change their Standing Order by 1st July.
Thank you! We appreciate your Fellowship and ongoing support of the Society.