News  |  Posted May 27, 2015

New Approaches to Historic Urban Landscapes

ICOMOS-UK and ICOMOS Ireland Joint Summer Meeting and Conference 2015 Edinburgh (including special visit to the Forth Rail Bridge)

Places are unfortunately limited by the number of people who can visit the bridge (for safety reasons) and because of the conference venue size. If you are interested please book with Sarah Yates quickly –

In ICOMOS’s 50th Anniversary year, ICOMOS-UK is exploring one of our great world heritage cities, Edinburgh, in partnership with our friends and colleagues at ICOMOS Ireland. The programme of visits and day conference are kindly supported by Historic Scotland and Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners.

A programme for the events is available here, and includes:

Forth Rail Bridge Visit: The ICOMOS-UK Summer Meeting will begin at lunchtime on Thursday 4 June with a visit to the Forth Rail Bridge, a timely opportunity as 2015 is not only the European Industrial and Technical Heritage Year, but also because this iconic structure will be considered for World Heritage Site inscription less than a month later.

Historic Urban Landscapes International Conference: A day-long conference with international speakers, supported and hosted by Historic Scotland, on Friday 5 June will highlight the key principles of an imaginative new approach to sustaining historic urban landscapes, which focuses on integrating the goals of urban heritage conservation with those of social and economic development.

Expert-led Tours: The conference will explore how these principles are being implemented in cities around the world, including World Heritage Cities, to ensure that they continue to flourish and remain resilient to withstand future environmental, social and economic challenges. Visits on Saturday 6 June will provide expert-led tours of the city, historic buildings and museums, and time to explore the Edinburgh World Heritage Site.

Places for the event are limited and we expect demand to be high so bookings will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please download a booking form from the ICOMOS-UK website and send to

Attendance Fee per person*:

£60.00 ICOMOS-UK and ICOMOS Ireland members

£115.00 Non-Members**

£45.00 Students

*to include all lectures, tours, admission fees, buffet lunch on Friday 5 June and light refreshments

** fee for non-members at £115 includes one year’s annual membership of ICOMOS-UK Pay online via PayPal on the ICOMOS-UK website – Any Cheques payable to: ICOMOS-UK, and sent to: 70 Cowcross Street, London, EC1M 6EJ, UK

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