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Important! Fellows need to choose their Proceedings type.

21st March 2016 | Categories: General Notices

Following the Strategic Plan consultation Council Trustees are requesting that all Fellows indicate
whether they wish to continue receiving a hardcopy version of the Proceedings.

Having considered the responses to the Strategic Plan consultation carefully Council Trustees have examined in detail the issue of digital publishing and the way the Society communicates and educates through its journal. The cost implications of printing and posting the hardcopy journal are considerable, and Council Trustees wish to invest greater funds in sustaining and developing the broad range of charitable activity the Society undertakes, including enhanced digital resources and grants. For this reason they are urging Fellows to consider forgoing their hardcopy.

To continue to opt-in to a hardcopy please contact, write to the office referencing “Hardcopy Proceedings” or you can register your preference online through the popup on this Fellows section of the website, or by following this link:

Please note that we must receive your preference in advance of 10 October 2016, when we need to make a decision on how many copies of the next Proceedings to print. If you have not opted in to a hardcopy by that date, you will receive only access to the digital version of the Proceedings. A limited number of hardcopy versions will be printed so there is no guarantee that those who do not respond by the deadline will be able to secure a hardcopy. A final reminder will be issued with the September Newsletter and we will remind Fellows of the deadline throughout the year by email.

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