““Here is ane Koull of Tullilum” Excavations at Whitefriars, Perth 2014-2018” by Derek Hall
Derek Hall presents fascinating insights into the development of an important Christian site in the medieval period.
Derek Hall CertPracArch FSAScot presents “Here is ane Koull of Tullilum” Excavations at Whitefriars, Perth 2014-2018′, an account of the excavations and post-excavation research at a Carmelite friary in Perth, Scotland. Providing fascinating insights into the day-to-day life and death of friars and the development of the site in the medieval period.
With thanks to Society Fellow Sir Angus Grossart QC OBE DL LLD DLitt FRSE FSA Scot for generously supporting the filming of the Society’s 2019-20 lecture programme.
Recorded at the National Museums Scotland Auditorium on 9 December 2019 at 6pm by Mallard Productions.