“Prehistoric roundhouses of northern Britain: Origins and development” by Rachel Pope
Lecture joint with the Prehistoric Society by Dr Rachel Pope exploring the origins, development and use of roundhouses in later prehistoric north Britain.
“Prehistoric roundhouses of northern Britain: Origins and development” by Dr Rachel Pope FSA FSA Scot, School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, University of Liverpool.
This presentation details recent research in British prehistoric household studies, including soon-to-be-published work on the C-14 dated Scottish roundhouse assemblage. This work has allowed dating of the four main prehistoric house types in Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Scotland, and provided insights into their associated traditions of land use. It raises important questions regarding the origins of roundhouse settlement in Britain, the accepted date for the E-MBA transition, and what can be seen as a major episode of social change occurring in the region between 850-750 BC.
Joint with the Prehistoric Society
Recorded on 14 April 2014 at 6pm in the Royal Society of Edinburgh.