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“‘Trajan’s Column on his doorstep’: investigating the Romanitas of Sueno’s Stone” by Dr Luisa Izzi

Scotland in Early Medieval Europe International Conference Lecture 9 by Dr Luisa Izzi, then University of St Andrews, now University of York Centre for Medieval Studies

Scotland in Early Medieval Europe

“‘Trajan’s Column on his doorstep’: investigating the Romanitas of Sueno’s Stone” by Dr Luisa Izzi, then University of St Andrews, now University of York Centre for Medieval Studies

Lecture 9, 23rd February 2013

The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland hosted an international conference across the 22nd to 24th February 2013 on Scotland in Early Medieval Europe, the fourth in its series of themed international conferences, in conjunction with the Dark Age Studies Committee. The conference examined Scotland and its connections and identity in Early Medieval Europe (AD400 and AD1000) and included contributions from various disciplines, utilising a multitude of sources of evidence, within overarching themes as well as a series of case studies. Themes throughout the conference included:

  • Power and identity
  • Groups and communities
  • Ideologies and economies
  • Contacts and communications

Joint with the Committee for Dark Age Studies