Grants & Awards

R B K Stevenson Award

Offered annually in recognition of a paper that best reflects R B K Stevenson’s high standards in scholarship

A cash award of £100 is offered annually in recognition of a paper published in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland that best reflects the high standards in scholarship of R B K Stevenson. Formerly a Keeper of the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland, and President of the Society between 1975 and 1978, Stevenson’s writing frequently appeared in the Proceedings. He was an honoured member and a friend of the Society throughout his life. The annual award was established following Stevenson’s bequest in 1992. 


There is no specific submission process or an application form for this award; all papers submitted for publication in the Proceedings are considered for the award by a judging panel comprising the Managing Editor, Director and President of the Society. Papers in the Proceedings should primarily present original ideas, interpretations and discoveries or results of research which are likely to stimulate discussion and advance understanding. Submissions from both Fellows and non-Fellows are welcome. 

Further information on submitting papers for publication to the Society can be found here and additional information can be requested from the Managing Editor. 


The annual deadline for submission to the Proceedings is 30 November. Winners are announced at the Society’s Annual General Meeting held the following November.


Past winners

Award presentation in 2017.

R B K Stevenson Award presentation

2023 Ella B Paul, Matthew G Knight and Trevor G Cowie Small socketed axeheads from northern Britain: some finds ‘of more than ordinary interest’ (PSAS 152)

2022 Julie Holder Joseph Anderson (1832–1916) and the Scottish historical collection in the Antiquities Museum, 1869 to 1892 (PSAS 151)

2021 Nela M A Scholma-Mason Eliza D’Oyly Traill Burroughs (1849–1908): a voice from the ‘Unrecorded Past’ (PSAS 150)

2020 Clarisse Godard Desmarest John Ritchie Findlay (1824–98): architectural patron and philanthropist (PSAS 149)

2019 Cynthia Thickpenny Abstract pattern on stone fragments from Applecross: the master carver of northern Pictland? (PSAS 148) 

2018 Maya Hoole ‘Ava’: a Beaker-associated woman from a cist at Achavanich, Highland, and the story of her (re-)discovery and subsequent study (PSAS 147) 

2017 Daniel Rhodes & Elizabeth Jones Cist behind the Binns: the excavation of an Iron Age cist burial at the House of the Binns, West Lothian (PSAS 146) 

2016 Alice Blackwell & Susanna Kirk Seventh century or seventeenth century?: Identifying glass beads from Scotland (PSAS 145) 

201315 No award (PSAS 1424) 

2012 Kelly A Kilpatrick The iconography of the Papil Stone: sculptural and literary comparisons with a Pictish motif (PSAS 141) 

2011 No award (PSAS 140) 

2010 Candy Hatherley Into the west: excavation of an Early Christian cemetery at Montfode, Ardrossan, North Ayrshire (PSAS 139) 

2009 Graeme Cavers The later prehistory of ‘black holes’: regionality and the south-west Scottish Iron Age (PSAS 138) 

2008 Colin Martin & Richard Oram Medieval Roxburgh: a preliminary assessment of the burgh and its locality (PSAS 137) 

2007 Fraser Hunter New light on Iron Age massive armlets (PSAS 136) 

2006 Ross Trench-Jellicoe A richly decorated cross-slab from Kilduncan House, Fife: description and analysis (PSAS 135) 

2005 Nicholas Holmes The evidence of finds for the circulation and use of coins in medieval Scotland (PSAS 134) 

2004 Louise Baker, Alison Sheridan & Trevor Cowie An Early Bronze Age ‘dagger grave’ from Rameldry Farm, near Kingskettle, Fife (PSAS 133) 

2003 Virginia Glenn The late 13th-century chapter seals of Dunkeld and Oslo Cathedrals (PSAS 132) 

2002 David B Smith Robert Foulis’s patent curling stone game (PSAS 131) 

2001 Fraser Hunter Excavation of an Early Bronze Age cemetery and other sites a the West Water Reservoir, West Linton, Scottish Borders (PSAS 130) 

2000 Vivien Swan The Twentieth Legion and the history of the Antonine Wall reconsidered (PSAS 129) 

1999 Ross Trench-Jellicoe The Skeith Stone, Upper Kilrenny, Fife, in its context (PSAS 128) 

1998 Rosalind Marshall Mary Queen of Scots and Bothwell’s bracelets (PSAS 127) 

1997 Adrian Cox Backland activities in medieval Perth: excavations at Meal Vennel and Scott Street (PSAS 126) 

1996 Stephen Carter, Roderick P J McCullagh & Ann MacSween The Iron Age in Shetland: excavations at five sites threatened by coastal erosion (PSAS 125) 

1995 Ywonne Hallén The use of bone and antler at Foshigarry and Bac Mhic Connain, two Iron Age sites on North Uist, Western Isles (PSAS 124)