How Will We Purchase Scotland’s Heritage Hub?

The Society needs to raise a total of approximately £5.5 million to purchase and redevelop the building. This major fundraising campaign for Scotland’s Heritage Hub will be developed and delivered by our new Head of Fundraising who will start at the Society in early 2025.  

We intend to raise the full purchase cost of the building by 1 January 2027 and avoid the necessity for loans which would impact on the financial return the project can provide to the Society and thus its charitable objectives; this would also ensure the project has long-term sustainability.  

If you would like to discuss how to make this vision a reality, please contact

After the initial purchase and redevelopment, the building would pay for itself. The residential properties and additional income from office and other rentals will cover the management and maintenance of the property with the net profit gifted to the Society for its charitable activity. 

How is the project being managed?  

Council of the Society is fully committed to the project which is managed using procedures that include checks and balances for Council and its relevant Committees to review, consider and agree the project at each stage. A specific Working Group has been created to critically evaluate and support the project in detail.  

Council have engaged fundraising experts, More Partnership, to support and provide specialised advice and we have already begun discussions with major grant giving bodies. Using grants from the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) and the Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF), we have also contracted specialist community engagement experts at the Horizons Research consultancy to investigate how the Society can broaden its reach to a wider community beyond the Fellowship, while also enhancing the opportunities to provide additional services to both Fellows and the rest of the heritage sector. Council will continue to engage the expertise it needs to successfully monitor and deliver the project.  

Image Credit: Benjamin Tindall Architects

Interior view of the proposed hub

After the initial purchase and redevelopment, the building will pay for itself 

If you would like to know more about how to support this project and get involved, please contact