News  |  Posted November 13, 2021

Published: SAIR 97

The Society is pleased to announce the publication of a new Scottish Archaeological Internet Report, available now via the SAIR website.

The most recent paper reports on excavations between 2017 and 2019 along the River Dee, Aberdeenshire. The Society gratefully acknowledges the funding of Historic Environment Scotland towards the publication of this paper.

To read the abstract and access the paper, please see the details below:

SAIR 97: Prehistoric communities of the River Dee: Mesolithic and other lithic scatter sites of central Deeside, Aberdeenshire

by Caroline Wickham-Jones with contributions from Richard Bates, Alison Cameron, Ann Clarke, Diane Collinson, Sheila Duthie, Tim Kinnaird, Gordon Noble, Irvine Ross, Heather Sabnis and Richard Tipping


This volume presents the results of archaeological fieldwork undertaken along the River Dee, Aberdeenshire, north-east Scotland, by the Mesolithic Deeside voluntary community archaeology group between 2017 and 2019. A total of 42 fields were investigated, from which over 11,000 lithics were recovered, representing at least 15 archaeological sites and a span of human activity covering some 10,000 years from around 12,000 BC to c 2000 BC. Finds from the Late Upper Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age were present. Work comprised fieldwalking, test pitting, specialist analysis, and small-scale excavation. The investigation described here is significant not just for the light it throws on the early prehistoric populations along the River Dee but also for the methodology by which investigation was undertaken, as this provides a potential model for work in other areas. Both aspects are covered in the report.

If you would like to publish the results of your excavation through SAIR, please view our submission guidelines or contact the Managing Editor.



Published: SAIR 97

The Society is pleased to announce the publication of a new Scottish Archaeological Internet Report, available now via the SAIR website.

The most recent paper reports on excavations between 2017 and 2019 along the River Dee, Aberdeenshire. The Society gratefully acknowledges the funding of Historic Environment Scotland towards the publication of this paper.

To read the abstract and access the paper, please see the details below:

SAIR 97: Prehistoric communities of the River Dee: Mesolithic and other lithic scatter sites of central Deeside, Aberdeenshire

by Caroline Wickham-Jones with contributions from Richard Bates, Alison Cameron, Ann Clarke, Diane Collinson, Sheila Duthie, Tim Kinnaird, Gordon Noble, Irvine Ross, Heather Sabnis and Richard Tipping


This volume presents the results of archaeological fieldwork undertaken along the River Dee, Aberdeenshire, north-east Scotland, by the Mesolithic Deeside voluntary community archaeology group between 2017 and 2019. A total of 42 fields were investigated, from which over 11,000 lithics were recovered, representing at least 15 archaeological sites and a span of human activity covering some 10,000 years from around 12,000 BC to c 2000 BC. Finds from the Late Upper Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age were present. Work comprised fieldwalking, test pitting, specialist analysis, and small-scale excavation. The investigation described here is significant not just for the light it throws on the early prehistoric populations along the River Dee but also for the methodology by which investigation was undertaken, as this provides a potential model for work in other areas. Both aspects are covered in the report.

If you would like to publish the results of your excavation through SAIR, please view our submission guidelines or contact the Managing Editor.