News  |  Posted July 22, 2015

The Presence of Majestie – Day Conference

James V and Sir David LyndsayMajestie1

Day Conference
sponsored by the Heraldry Society of Scotland

19th September 2015

(9.00 coffee and registration)
St Augustine’s Church,
George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EL

 Kate Anderson, Senior Curator SNPG  Court Portraiture
 Prof Michael Bath Furnishings
 Charles Burnett, Ross Herald Extraordinary The Arms and the Honours of Scotland
 Prof Ian Campbell, Edinburgh University Architectural Projects
 Dr Lucy Dean, Stirling University Ceremonial
 Dr Janet Hadley Williams, Australian Nat Univ Sir David Lyndsay, the Man and his Works
 Alex Maxwell Findlater The Lyndsay Armorial
Dr Jamie Reid BaxterMusic at Court


The proposition to be examined is that there was a considered and coherent programme to promote the new King to his people, and himself and his country to the other crowned heads of Europe;  and that this campaign was initiated almost immediately he seized power aged 16 in 1528, and was only terminated by his early death aged 30.

£15 to include coffee and tea, on arrival and in the two breaks.
For lunch there are many and various eateries on George IV Bridge.

Please book through the HSS shop 
or contact Alex Maxwell Findlater