News  |  Posted March 30, 2015

International Congress of Celtic Studies Booking now open!

Celtic Congress 2015We are delighted to announce that Registration for the 15th International Congress of Celtic Studies is now open!

Registration will remain open until 28 June 2015 after which it will not be possible to register to attend the Congress (either on-line or during the Congress itself). All speakers must be registered by 9 May 2015. Payments may be made by credit or debit card, or by cheque (GBP). Further details regarding registration are available on the website ( where you will also find information about accommodation, travel, and programme.

If you have not already done so, do remember to sign up for the mailing list (and set spam filters to allow messages from ).

We look forward to welcoming you to Glasgow in July!

A’ Chomataidh-Eagrachaidh, CEC15 / Organising committee, ICCS15
Tha sinn air ar dòigh cur an cèill gu bheil Clàradh airson 15mh Còmhdhail Eadar-Nàiseanta na Ceiltis a-nis fosgailte!

Bidh Clàradh fosgailte gu ruige 28 Ògmhios 2015 agus chan fhaodar clàradh a bhith an làthair aig a’ Chòmhdhail an dèidh a’ chinn-latha seo (air loidhne air neo aig a’ Chòmhdhail fèin).
Feumaidh gach labhraiche a bhith clàraichte ro 9 Cèitean 2015. Faodar pàigheadh le chairt-creideis no cairt-fhiachan, air neo le sheic (GBP). Tha tuilleadh fiosrachaidh air clàradh ri fhaotainn air ar làrach-lìn ( far am faighear mar an ceudna fiosrachadh air àiteachan-fuirich, siubhal, agus clàr-ama.

Mura h-eil sibh air a dhèanamh a-cheana, cuimhnichibh ur n-ainm a chur air ar liosta-phuist (agus socraichibh ur sìoltachain-sgudail gum faighear teachdaireachdan bho

Tha sinn a’ dèanamh fiughair ri furan a chur oirbh ann an Glaschu san Iuchar!

A’ Chomataidh-Eagrachaidh, CEC15 / Organising committee, ICCS15