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“The Power of Archives” by Caroline Brown

Caroline Brown illustrates how archives are a gateway to the past, open to anyone, they help us connect with and understand our histories and shape our knowledge of who we are.

Caroline Brown presents “The Power of Archives” a lecture to the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

Archives are our gateway to the past, they help us connect with and understand our histories and shape our knowledge of who we are. They are, in many ways, instruments of power, determining what we remember and how we see ourselves. Archives are about more than just the past, they hold organisations to account, protect rights and promote social justice.  This talk will explore these themes and reflect on how the creation of archives and the provision of access to archives impacts not just on history but on our world today and the direction we take into the future.

Caroline Brown is the University Archivist and Head of Culture and Information at the University of Dundee. During her career she has worked as an archivist for a number of different organisations in the public and private sectors. She was also Programme Leader on the University’s Masters courses in Archives and Records Management and Family History and has edited two books looking at themes relating to archives. She is currently a member of the Scottish Records Association, a Director of the Scottish Archive Network and a Trustee on the Scottish Council on Archives. She is also active in the sector internationally, being a member of the Executive Board of the International Council on Archives and the chair of its Section on University and Research Institution Archives.


This event is brought to you in collaboration with the Scottish Records Association

Scottish Records Association logoThe Scottish Records Association (Registered Charity SC008896) was founded in 1977 and is concerned with the preservation and use of historical records in Scotland. It provides a forum for users, owners and custodians of records to discuss matters relating to the records, their custody and conservation and research.

The Society lectures are gratefully funded by Sir Angus Grossart QC OBE DL LLD DLitt FRSE FSAScot