News  |  Posted March 22, 2018

Where are our Fellows?

We at the Society often say that our Fellowship is global, which sounds very lovely but since we are big fans of data here, we thought we’d create a map to prove it! You can zoom in on the pins in the map and the number that will appear indicates the number of current Fellows in that country. The darker …

News  |  Posted March 15, 2016

Travelling Scholarship available for Australian Conference of Celtic Studies

This year is turning into a year of the Celts: the major exhibition at the National Museums Scotland, the Europa conference by the Prehistoric Society, our own lecture on the Celts by Fellow Dr Fraser Hunter, and now an opportunity for one lucky scholar to attend the 9th Australian Conference of Celtic Studies in Sydney, Australia! The Society is delighted to …

News  |  Posted March 4, 2015

Society President meets Australian Fellows

Our President Dr David Caldwell had the pleasure of meeting Australian Fellows at their second annual dinner in Melbourne.