Friaries in Scotland
Visits supported to produce an up to date gazetteer and background summary regarding Scotland’s medieval friaries
Visits supported to produce an up to date gazetteer and background summary regarding Scotland’s medieval friaries
Visits supported to produce an up to date gazetteer and background summary regarding Scotland’s medieval friaries
Visits supported to produce an up to date gazetteer and background summary regarding Scotland’s medieval friaries
Research into Gypsy Traveller objects in the Highland Folk Museum
Research into Gypsy Traveller objects in the Highland Folk Museum
The Gunning Jubilee Gift was instrumental in funding data collection at National Records Scotland,
The Gunning Jubilee Gift was instrumental in funding data collection at National Records Scotland,
Analysis of Scottish lithic artefacts confirms they are Late Upper Palaeolithic in date
Analysis of Scottish lithic artefacts confirms they are Late Upper Palaeolithic in date
Research on a museum collection has confirmed it is importance for lithic studies
Research on a museum collection has confirmed it is importance for lithic studies
Archival work funded by the Gunning Jubilee Gift grant uncovers the complexities of parish disputes in seventeenth-century Scotland
Archival work funded by the Gunning Jubilee Gift grant uncovers the complexities of parish disputes in seventeenth-century Scotland
Research into civic sponsorship of festival football in Late Medieval and Early Modern Scotland.
Research into civic sponsorship of festival football in Late Medieval and Early Modern Scotland.
Excavation and archival research have uncovered the remains of milling infrastructure at Milngavie
Excavation and archival research have uncovered the remains of milling infrastructure at Milngavie
Young and Student Fellow Grant supported a presentation at an international conference
Young and Student Fellow Grant supported a presentation at an international conference
Research into the collections at Highland Folk Museum and Mitchell Library
Research into the collections at Highland Folk Museum and Mitchell Library