News  |  Posted January 29, 2016

ScARF Student Network: Bursaries available for the 19th Iron Age Research Student Symposium (IARSS)

Applications are now closed

ScARF LogoThe ‘19th Iron Age Research Student Symposium (IARSS)‘ will take place from May the 19th to May the 22nd 2016 in Leicester. The Scottish Archaeological Research Framework (ScARF) is offering five student bursaries to support attendance at the conference. These bursaries are designed to allow students to hear about current research in Iron Age and Bronze Age archaeology and participate in discussions within the discipline.

We are looking for students:

  1. whose research that demonstrates a clear connection to Scottish archaeology or archaeological data;
  2. who are able to give a presentation at the Iron Age Research Student Symposium Conference (IARSS);
  3. Name and contact details for two referees who will support your application, one of whom will be your head of subject/department;
  4. who can submit a short report by the end of June 2016 which outlines how you have benefitted from attendance at the Iron Age Research Student Symposium Conference (IARSS); and
  5. who understand that their work may be used to contribute to future iterations of the ScARF panel reports or as part of a future Society of Antiquaries of Scotland newsletter or blog.

What ScARF can offer in return:

  • The Student registration fee for the 19th Iron Age Research Student Symposium (IARSS), worth £20;
  • One and a half years complementary Student Fellowship of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland subject to election, worth £30.

For more details and to apply, please download Student_Bursaries_for_IARSS.

The deadline for return of the completed form is Monday 18th March 2016.