News  |  Posted March 25, 2016

ScARF Student Network: Nordic Research Network bursaries available

Applications have now closed The Nordic Research Network conference 2016 ‘Bridges Between: Norse and Insular Worlds’ will take place on May the 4th 2016 in Glasgow. The Scottish Archaeological Research Framework (ScARF) is offering five student bursaries to support attendance at the conference. These bursaries are designed to allow students to hear about current research in Norse and Medieval archaeology and participate in …

News  |  Posted March 1, 2016

Job Opportunity: ScARF Museums Project Officer

          The Society is looking for an enthusiastic ScARF (Scottish Archaeological Research Framework) Museums Project Officer part-time to the end of March 2018 with the possibility of extension. The postholder will be expected to drive an ambitious project to deliver outcomes for both the Historic Environment Strategy for Scotland through Scotland’s Archaeology Strategy and the National Strategy for Scotland’s …

News  |  Posted February 18, 2016

Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland: Fellows invited to to contribute

The Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland: A Research Framework project is currently in the final stages of work and represents a strategic effort to link, inspire, mobilize and help direct the efforts of all those with an interest in or responsibility for carved stones in Scotland. Over the course of four workshops, the team have taken stock of existing and ongoing research and identified …

News  |  Posted February 8, 2016

ScARF Student Network: Bursaries available for Europa 2016: Dynamics of Art, design and Vision in Iron Age Europe

Deadline Extended! The Prehistoric Society conference, ‘Europa 2016: Dynamics of Art, design and Vision in Iron Age Europe ‘ will take place on the 3rd and 4th of June 2016 in Edinburgh. The Scottish Archaeological Research Framework (ScARF) is offering nine student bursaries to support attendance at the conference. These bursaries are designed to allow students to hear about current research …

News  |  Posted January 29, 2016

ScARF Student Network: Bursaries available for the 19th Iron Age Research Student Symposium (IARSS)

Applications are now closed The ‘19th Iron Age Research Student Symposium (IARSS)‘ will take place from May the 19th to May the 22nd 2016 in Leicester. The Scottish Archaeological Research Framework (ScARF) is offering five student bursaries to support attendance at the conference. These bursaries are designed to allow students to hear about current research in Iron Age and Bronze Age archaeology and participate …

News  |  Posted January 28, 2016

ScARF Student Network: Bursaries available for the 8th International Symposium on 14C & Archaeology

Applications are now closed The ‘8th International Symposium on 14C & Archaeology‘ will take place from June the 27th  to July the 1st 2016 in Edinburgh. The Scottish Archaeological Research Framework (ScARF) is offering five student bursaries to support attendance at the conference. These bursaries are designed to allow students to hear about current research in archaeology and participate in discussions within …

News  |  Posted January 22, 2016

ScARF Student Network: Bursaries available for the Association of Environmental Archaeologists conference

Please note that applications are now closed The ‘Association for Environmental Archaeology conference 2016’ will take place from April the 1st to April the 3rd 2016 in Kirkwall, Orkney. The Scottish Archaeological Research Framework (ScARF) is offering seven student bursaries to support attendance at the conference. These bursaries are designed to allow students to hear about current research in archaeology …

News  |  Posted November 20, 2015

ScARF Project Update: What our users think

In the Autumn 2015 Society of Antiquaries of Scotland newsletter (available at if you are a Fellow), we mentioned that ScARF was undertaking a survey looking to hear what people thought of the project and maybe even provide some ideas on where work should go next. We are proud to report that the survey received 97 responses – thank …